Build ID: 1641975
Status: Success
System: x86_64-linux
Nix name: vm-test-run-headcounter-vhost-headcounter
Part of: evaluation 349268 (and 2 others)
Duration: 16m 49s
Finished at:
Logfile: pretty raw tail

Build products

Note: this build is no longer available.

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deployment b79aee to 5805b9

Previous builds

Last successful build This build
Succeededbuild 1619240 Succeededbuild 1641975
Queued at:
Build started:
Build finished:
Nix expression: file release.nix in input deployment
Nix name: vm-test-run-headcounter-vhost-headcounter
Short description: not given
License: not given
Homepage: not given
Maintainer(s): not given
System: x86_64-linux
Derivation store path: /nix/store/1blr60jmyhy1n2nkmn5mcs9wvqr31x0p-vm-test-run-headcounter-vhost-headcounter.drv
Output store paths: /nix/store/9qfj6b9sd2lzpqgwsawh348pybp71j09-vm-test-run-headcounter-vhost-headcounter
Closure size: 1342.96 MiB (history)
Output size: 1.11 MiB (history)
Availability: Build output is no longer available
NameTypeValueRevisionStore path
deployment Git checkout 5805b93b73588f697d690bed6751285d44613652 /nix/store/424h13d4b9k0s88dq5lqscn9qins86c5-git-export
nixpkgs Git checkout 2da8a5dac8674501ba9ed10e44650088b466688a /nix/store/9637k3djf1fzlx4yq3l8gwjsbzwyn9jr-git-export
16 Build of /nix/store/9qfj6b9sd2lzpqgwsawh348pybp71j09-vm-test-run-headcounter-vhost-headcounter 16m 49s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
15 Build of /nix/store/czw657l74p2y7v1rbzrcdbz5frcxp7ab-nixos-test-driver-headcounter-vhost-headcounter 2s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
14 Build of /nix/store/1gp7xww8k4qyc2dll4ywmwj7qgrvxazj-nixos-vm 2s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
13 Build of /nix/store/drbxx4zldyfa7aydbzsaxrddsdfrllyc-run-nixos-vm 1s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
12 Build of /nix/store/k10a15xlkj7jbd05qaxpl9ai5yvb149f-reginfo 1s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
11 Build of /nix/store/98whlamwvldkm4bk7jf81mg7in3csx1g-nixos-system-client-16.09pre-git 1s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
10 Build of /nix/store/ysrfd62rc1yd4qkw264liinys1akvf43-etc 4s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
9 Build of /nix/store/bf8rn8743kc6x35536ww2lr2kivmfqxy-user-units 1s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
8 Build of /nix/store/3nddh8k928mvjqqb4z5pxp85xd94jxpb-system-units 7s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
7 Build of /nix/store/cr3qcr29agg5h90wgpml48yjpw1ijlhw-unit-dbus.service 2s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
6 Build of /nix/store/544xznpd25vxmszkxlbvz2csh7smp1bn-unit-dbus.service 1s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
5 Build of /nix/store/aqccgigmvnz86ad0wm6914m4hf58vj47-dbus-conf 1s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
4 Build of /nix/store/c8nm1951978xbiy5k9bnn636hmz4kczr-unit-polkit.service 1s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
3 Build of /nix/store/jc8na11q7jaq6wabvn2x1l180gbcsbjc-system-path 3s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
2 Build of /nix/store/y2nn2x3qjxc4v82gdligqy8dgxql3qdy-unit-nscd.service 1s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)
1 Build of /nix/store/xg6sdk5p5gvdrsavv3w3i2qcdwfhlax8-etc-hosts 1s benteflork Succeeded (log, raw, tail)