Last checked: , with errors!
Last evaluation: (took 58 minutes, 23 seconds)
Evaluation pending since:

# Date Input changes Jobs
Succeeded Failed Queued Delta
530799 vuizvuiSrc → 852ece8 Eval Errors 40 13
530780 nixpkgsSrc → 58a1abd Eval Errors 40 13
530775 vuizvuiSrc → 5359e17 Eval Errors 40 13
530727 nixpkgsSrc → 7bb2ccd Eval Errors 40 13
530692 nixpkgsSrc → 572af61 Eval Errors 40 13
530656 vuizvuiSrc → f35867c Eval Errors 40 13
530634 nixpkgsSrc → 6143fc5 Eval Errors 40 13 +3
530582 nixpkgsSrc → 5c24cf2 Eval Errors 37 16 -6
530551 nixpkgsSrc → 66adc1e Eval Errors 43 10
530500 nixpkgsSrc → 5672bc9 Eval Errors 43 10 +1

Errors occurred at .

in job ‘isoImages.profpatsch.shiki’:
error: The option `vuizvui.user.profpatsch.xserver' does not exist. Definition values:
       - In `/nix/store/qd54bz04j88dbkp7kgg9jbb2maq59via-vuizvui-pre3963.852ece85/machines/profpatsch/base-workstation.nix':
             windowManager = {
               xmonad = {
                 enable = true;
                 package = <derivation my-xmonad-0.1.0>;

in job ‘channels.generic’:
error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set

       at /nix/store/wlj8mqnkhs6jsy8qzz09c4z15j491qzm-dhall-to-nix:152:35:

          151|                           f (cons y ys)) (ys:
          152|                       ys) xs) {} (special.notify "No xdg-open handler for the torrent".args ({ String
             |                                   ^
          153|               , Variable }:

in job ‘pkgs.sternenseemann.texlive.i686-linux’:
error: unsupported CPU i686

in job ‘channels.machines.profpatsch.shiki’:
error: The option `vuizvui.user.profpatsch.xserver' does not exist. Definition values:
       - In `/nix/store/qd54bz04j88dbkp7kgg9jbb2maq59via-vuizvui-pre3963.852ece85/machines/profpatsch/base-workstation.nix':
             windowManager = {
               xmonad = {
                 enable = true;
                 package = <derivation my-xmonad-0.1.0>;

in job ‘pkgs.profpatsch.xdg-open’:
error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set

       at /nix/store/wlj8mqnkhs6jsy8qzz09c4z15j491qzm-dhall-to-nix:152:35:

          151|                           f (cons y ys)) (ys:
          152|                       ys) xs) {} (special.notify "No xdg-open handler for the torrent".args ({ String
             |                                   ^
          153|               , Variable }:

in job ‘tests’:
error: The option `vuizvui.user.profpatsch.xserver' does not exist. Definition values:
       - In `/nix/store/qd54bz04j88dbkp7kgg9jbb2maq59via-vuizvui-pre3963.852ece85/machines/profpatsch/base-workstation.nix':
             windowManager = {
               xmonad = {
                 enable = true;
                 package = <derivation my-xmonad-0.1.0>;

in job ‘machines.profpatsch.shiki’:
error: The option `vuizvui.user.profpatsch.xserver' does not exist. Definition values:
       - In `/nix/store/qd54bz04j88dbkp7kgg9jbb2maq59via-vuizvui-pre3963.852ece85/machines/profpatsch/base-workstation.nix':
             windowManager = {
               xmonad = {
                 enable = true;
                 package = <derivation my-xmonad-0.1.0>;

State: Enabled
Description: OpenLab-related Nix(OS) expressions
Nix expression: release.nix in input vuizvuiSrc
Check interval: 3600
Scheduling shares: 10000 (8.17% out of 122400 shares)
Number of evaluations to keep: 30


Input nameTypeValues
nixpkgsSrc Git checkout nixos-unstable
vuizvuiSrc Git checkout